It’s true. Broken tailbone. Out 3-4 weeks.

Yes, it’s all true. I slipped and fell down the backsteps doing the laundry and broke my tailbone. In two places. I’ll try and get the x-ray and post it.

I am sitting on a little inflatable donut filled with ice.

It hurts, but I am a soldier. The Glass Bus will roll again. My tennis season may be over, but the Mardi Gras flag football game is coming up and you can bet I will be 100%.

7 thoughts on “It’s true. Broken tailbone. Out 3-4 weeks.”

  1. Oh my God…are you alright? I did the same thing in 8th grade playing volleyball. Then I rebroke it when I had you. Let me know if there is anything I can do. What is the Glass Bus?

    I love you.

  2. The Glass Bus is my nickname. Like Jerome Bettis, I will run you over. But like Fragile Freddy Taylor, I’ll spend most of my time injured.

  3. How do you walk with a donut on your butt? Walking, I’m sure, hurts, but does Leslie give you a ride to work?

  4. Ouch, poor you 🙁

    Sorry to hear that. Everything cool with insurance and work and all that mundane but necessary stuff?

    Also poor Leslie having to wait upon you!

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