My Favorite Thing About Christmas

My favorite thing about this time of the year is when people start getting all indignant about other folks wanting to say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. Get over it.

“Oh my God goodness! What will happen to Christmas if is not sanctioned in the way I wish to celebrate it by society as a whole! Oh my God goodness, my culture and heritage is oppressed! Whoa is me and Christianity! However will we overcome? Soon the government will be throwing us to the lions! Oh the state of the true religion religion of the majority in this country! The damn political correctness crowd will be the downfall of the American Way!”

Here in Atlanta, people actually make it on the news complaining about “Happy Holidays.” There was a news story on last night about someone who took out a billboard that read:

To hell with the “holidays”; keep Christ in your Christmas

I can understand complaining about “Xmas.” “Keep Christ in Christmas” seems legitimate to me. (of course, I do find it funny that the cross is the symbol of Christianity, yet folks don’t like Xmas).

I’m not even going to mention the irony of swearing in your religious statement.

7 thoughts on “My Favorite Thing About Christmas”

  1. I really liked xmas, before you pointed out that the x probably stands for a cross. what a ripoff. i always thought it was a way of writing christmas if you had recently been in a fight with the son of god.

  2. If you recently got in a fight with Jesus, the best thing to do is get a gun. If you come at him with your fist, he’ll come back at you with a knife. If you come at him with a knife, he’ll come back at you with a gun.

    It’s 100% true.

  3. I really can’t work out what the problem is. Everyone knows Christmas has got nothing to do with religion, so what’s the problem?

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