What they pulled out of my nose today.


These plastic things are what the doctor pulled out of my nose today. He affectionately refered to them as “hardware.” Doctors are funny.

The matchbook is there to give you an idea of their size. They are about two and a half inches long and an inch tall. They felt like they were 3 feet long and a foot tall when they were coming out. They were stictched into my nose with a single stitch that went through both pieces and the middle of my nose. I should put a post in there before the hole heals up and save myself the trouble of a nose piercing later on.

Hooray for science!

11 thoughts on “What they pulled out of my nose today.”

  1. How I wish we both still worked at NLM . . . for just one day . . . this would be the perfect lunch time topic!

  2. How are you feeling? I don’t think Grant had those things in his nose. I would like to see a picture of your handsome face now that this is over.

  3. Don’t know what is/was worse. I had miles of cotton packing up my nose, which took an agonizingly long time to pull out.
    Isn’t there a tribal custom somewhere of putting some type of ivory or bone through that middle part of the bottom of the nose? Might be interesting? Did you get some type of calming agent before they were yanked out?

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