Hell Sounds Like Pantera


I was working out the other day, and listening to Tom Waits. I started thinking how great it would be if the devil’s voice sounded like Tom Waits when you went to hell. (I’m not a big believer in hell, but I really think you are selling yourself short by ruling that place out.) Anywho, then I got to thinking about what the music in hell would be. My first thought waas that it would be some horrible cacophony, but then I realized that it would probably be a more personal experience. Which means it would probably be some music that I really hate. So I took a quick survey of the music I hate the most, and decided it would probably be some sort of death metal. Something like Pantera (And I don’t know anything about that music, so if Pantera is technically not death metal, I apologize.) So I think this sucks. Because I bet Pantera hopes their music gets played in hell. And I’m making that happen. Here, I would like to wipe that music off the face of the earth, and instead I am assuring it will go on until the end of time. Unless a) I don’t wind up in hell b) I am wrong about hell’s music or c) they don’t actually play music in hell. Now that I think about it, they probably don’t. And also, I think there is a chance Christian Rock would beat out death metal for my hell music. How ironic would that be? Michael W. Smith adding to my damnation. Hell seems like a bad place. They do specials about it on The History Channel all the time. It really looks lousy down there. It’s making me re-evaluate my beliefs. I have given myself 3 months to sort out my belief in hell. Then I’m going to do something about it. I don’t really care about Heaven. I’m sure it will be dissappointing like everything else that’s supposed to be great. One time Chelsey and Chuck and I went to Chicago. We looked forward to it for months in advance. It turned out to be a nightmare. That’s what heaven will be like for someone like me. Everyone will be happy, and I’ll be looking around and wondering why it’s not as good as I thought it was going to be. Getting back to the point. I have 3 months to decide about hell. Please feel free to forward me any information on the subject. However I will mostly be searching me heart and mind. I hope to have an answer by some time after the holidays.

29 thoughts on “Hell Sounds Like Pantera”

  1. For more information on Pantera, I strongly reccommend this article.


    They’ve really been through a lot. Their guitarist was shot. I didn’t know that. I knew they had New Orleans ties, because I’ve been to their haunted house, but I did not know they ripped off some other NOLA band for their sound. Before that they were a glam band.

    According to the article, they also have a “take no shit” attittude. Who would have thought? They also “put everyone on notice that [they] don’t fuck around.” I would like to put everyone on that notice too.

  2. You don’t remember when Dimebag Darryl was killed? What a tragedy for the music industry.

    I’m just plain putting everyone on notice. No qualifiers needed.

  3. No I do not. As I said before, Pantera is my hell music. I try to aviod it. Other things having to do with hell conclude, but are not limited to:

    1) Fancy Swords
    2) Contacts that make your eyes look evil
    3) Stores that sell fancy swords
    4) Leather trenchcoats – this also feeds my Matrix aversion
    5) People who say they are witches or vampires.
    6) Cocaine
    7) Rumplemintz
    8) People with Black Beards
    9) Dragons
    10) Fluffy Shirts

  4. Yes. So will leather pants. There will be leather pants everywhere, but only on those people who should never wear leather pants. Like Meatloaf.

  5. Ah, Pantera. A Vulgar Display of Power was never off the tape player when I started my first programming job. Altogether now, 1,2,3….whooooooaaaaaaaahhhhhhh F**KING HOSTILE!!!!!!!!!

  6. Someone from Pantera is from Plano. If you want to see hell, go to Plano.

    (Kent, again with the gay when you are insulting something. why? With the dawn of each morning, is the opportunity to better yourself…)

  7. 1) Fancy Swords = gay
    2) Contacts that make your eyes look evil = goth
    3) Stores that sell fancy swords = gay
    4) Leather trenchcoats – this also feeds my Matrix aversion = goth
    5) People who say they are witches or vampires = goth
    6) Cocaine = gay
    7) Rumplemintz = party
    8) People with Black Beards = goth
    9) Dragons = goth
    10) Fluffy Shirts = gay


    gay goth party

    i wasn’t insulting anyone or anything. i was saying that brent’s description of hell sounds like a party for goth homosexuals. why do you keep picking on me? i do have feelings, you know, despite what they say in the newspapers.

  8. Fancy swords are more goth than gay.

    Rumplemintz are schnapps that have an evil looking bottle. They have ad campaigns like this

    Kent – Please fix this if it doesn’t work

  9. Fancy swords aren’t gay or goth, but geek. Although the three aren’t necessarily exclusive.

    That AS-2603 is pretty sweet. I bet you could get all sorts of tail at the SCA fairs with that one!

    Manowar scares me.

  10. Kent, maybe you should replace “gay” with “fantasy metal warriors”

    Instead of calling your friends gay, you can call them all fantasy metal warriors.

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