The fly in my office…

My office. A standard office in a warehouse building. It’s a large room, enough for a good-sized, L-shaped desk and all of the standard office accrutrements. This office, being the front room and the only room air-conditioned in the middle of August in Atlanta, gets plenty of visitors, including Atlanta’s most obnoxious fly. It’s huge, the fly, landing on the rolodex, the flat-screen monitor, my coffee cup. I’ve attacked it with my phone message book, tried to pin it between the window and the blinds. I’ve tried to coax it out the door – to freedom! – to no avail. At most, I’ve been able to shoo it into Dave’s office but it always comes back to annoy me.

I thought these things we’re supposed to have a life span of 24 hours.

It’s the fly from hell. It’s been here since Monday. And it likes to fly near my ears.

3 thoughts on “The fly in my office…”

  1. That is what we southerners call a horse fly and I think they live forever. I am pretty adept with a fly swatter and can give you some pointers. Then you can show me how to sharpener knives. I bet he is attracted to your perfume so I guess you can say he does have good taste.


  2. This summer I’ve been introduced to The South’s Bugs. I was not pleased to make their acquaintance. At all. What do you people feed them?

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