What the hell is it? I can’t figure it out.
Remember several years back when everybody got a check to “stimulate the economy”? I do, and I also remember do my taxes the next year and having to subtract that money from my refund. So I wasn’t getting more money from the government, I was getting money that I was going to get anyway when I filed my taxes. I got a cash advance. I guess that’s nice, but I don’t think that is what it was sold as, and I was disappointed not to get a refund at the normal time.
So now they are doing it again. But I can’t figure out if it’s the same thing. They are going to give me some money. Hooray. When I do my 2008 taxes, am I going to have to subtract this, like I did last time? Or, is the government sending me some of the money I’ve already paid in taxes back? That’s what a “rebate” is.  That’s what they are calling it. But I think they called the last one a rebate too. Obviously, a rebate of “money that has already left my pocket that I wasn’t supposed to get back” is preferable just “getting money I was already entitled to sooner.” (From the point of view of my finances, of course, not the US government’s.)
If anyone can figure it out, please let me know. I can’t figure it out from reading the text of the bill, and my Google-fu is failing me.
The question is: “Is the new tax rebate free money from the government or is it an early refund check?”