Sorry About OU Dave and others

It seems those stankin Longhorns have hurt our beloved OU. The sporting city of Austin when ape shit and started honking their horns and acting like the monsters they are hidden under their human skins, when the event took it’s fatal turn for the worst. Sports fans are one thing but, (pardon me Marnie)….TEXAS sportfans supporting the Longhorns are loonier than a pile of manure over here! My sympathies to Dave and Koster, and yes Dave, I’m wearing my OU hat today.

Rebecca Havemeyer makes Austin Debut!


Hey gang. This past Saturday, Rebecca Havemeyer hosted a fashion show for 250 people in Austin, Texas! It was put on by Cream Vintage and Flirt Boutique. There was a big stage, a 50ft runway, free Mickeys, celebrity judges, and lot’s of jokes all around. The crowd was very receptive, and Rebecca made some wonderful business connections in the city. The website should be fully operational in about three weeks! Check her out on (keyword rebecca havemeyer) to see her sing her favorite song, ‘Beaver’ at a local open mic night. The song is a little nasty, so beware. Big kisses to all.

wedding bliss

I would like to inform the elbuzzard world that paul was NOT slapped upon arriving at dear old Thomas’ house, but kent did slap Sara about 5 times in the car after a very long night of drinking for the bride and groom. No, he was not driving at the same time. St. Paul is the best. The last day I was there, one of Thomas’ friends came over and fed me a hot dog with the weenie wrapped in BACON! Now, you tell me St. Paul isn’t the best..I dare you!