But I have to.
Apparently one of my posts over at Atlanta Metblogs pissed off a local Boy Scout troop leader. Steve Barton, of Troop 764 in Dunwoody, to be exact.
I bashed the Boy Scouts of America for discriminating against homosexuals and for a recent scandal here in Atlanta in which they inflated their statistics for inner city memberships so they could get more funding from the United Way. Even after they got caught, they still asked for the $1 million dollars that they would have gotten for inner city programs because of their inflated statistics. That takes a lot of guts.
In my opinion, they are lucky to get anything from the United Way in the first place. Many local United Ways cut off BSA funding over their discrimination against gays and athiests. I know it happened in Philadelphia when I was there.
Its sad, the Boy Scouts have the resources to do so much good for boys, especially inner city boys, who may not have the positive male role models that suburban kids have. And despite what Mr. Barton says (“Scouts teaches nothing bad about homosexuals”), they do in fact teach that homosexuals are dangerous, subversive, and prone to child molestation by not welcoming them into their organization. They discount the fact that it is possible to be gay and be a positive role model for children. Every homosexual is a bad seed in their eyes.
I wonder what the statistics are on child molestation comparing straight men to gay men.
Perhaps I shouldn’t have been as condescending in my response to Mr. Barton, but I couldn’t help myself.