I’m in this fantasy football league, and no one will do any trades with me. I know it’s not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things, but I still think it’s not fair. I am going to a pumpkin patch tonight to drown my sorrows in hot cider and rum. I hope I pass out on top of some kids. Â
Category: General
General posts.
Kent and Leslie’s Netflix Queue
I’m sad to say that I have viewed Kent and Leslie’s Netflix choices, and I am quite dissapointed. I did not see ‘The Wicker Man’ on there at all, but I did see trash like ‘Black Hawk Down’, ‘Sahara’, and the topper…’The Island of Dr. Moreau’. Oh Kent, when will you ever watch The Wicker Man? Will we really be able to be Netflix Friends?
Has Anyone Else Seen This?
Scarlett Johansson is making a CD of Tom Waits covers.
Sorry About OU Dave and others
It seems those stankin Longhorns have hurt our beloved OU. The sporting city of Austin when ape shit and started honking their horns and acting like the monsters they are hidden under their human skins, when the event took it’s fatal turn for the worst. Sports fans are one thing but, (pardon me Marnie)….TEXAS sportfans supporting the Longhorns are loonier than a pile of manure over here! My sympathies to Dave and Koster, and yes Dave, I’m wearing my OU hat today.
Saints Win + New Car = Good Day
I picked up this sweet baby the same day that the Saints beat the shit out of the Atlanta Falcons. The only thing that would have topped this would have been if I had driven my car to the game, and broken my hand/voice with Kent, Dave and Marnie. For the record, I would have parked on top of the Superdome, and shot lasers out of the headlights, so as to avoid the Poydras congestion.Â
My Car is Dead!
Now that I have a wife, I no longer need a car. So say the Gods of Universal Justice. The engine of my once trusty Escort Wagon is now exploded. Too expensive to fix. No car for Brent. Learning to drive Chelsey’s Plymouth Breeze. It’s a stick shift. Will I be able to pull it off? Probably, but I will no doubt un-learn some other ability. Like cursive.
Kosterpelding Thanks
Thanks to everyone who came to the wedding, helped us out, and sent along their best wishes. The wedding was a rousing success because of all you great people. Chelsey and I are back from our honeymoon, and we have had the chance to really be humbled about how many terrific people we have in our lives. Kick Ass.
Why aren’t your pictures up yet and where is the photo section anyhoo.
Congrats to Brent and Chelsey
Today, our very own Mr. Unstoppable is geting married.  I wish you and Chelsey all the happiness in the world.
Tam ve’nishlam
It is completed.