While I am happy that Obama won tonight. I am mostly just happy that we have someone else to call president. Bush, I hate hate hate what you have done to this country. I am so happy to see you go. You inherited coutnry that was in a lot of pain, and you made that pain ten-fold. From Iraq to Katrina to our current shit-hole economy, you have done nothing but fuck things up. Again, I am so happy to see you go. You were so bad that you took an otherwise honerable man, and ruined his campaign. The worst thing anyone could say about McCain was that he was too similar to you. So goodbye, asshole. You ruined your own party, you ruined the office, and you almost ruined the country. I sure hope Obama can bring this country together and effectively lead us to brighter pastures, but I have no doubts he will do a better job than you. I have no doubt McCain would have done a better job than you. When history weighs in on your presidency, I hope it sees you for the supreme jackass that you are.
Worst President Ever.