Big fan of Mardi Gras

This just in: I’m a big fan of Mardi Gras, and it’s practically beginning tomorrow. So, unlike Rex Grossman, I’m completely focused on the big game — Mardi Gras Bowl VII.
Looks like we might have about 10 people. I’m first captain; I take Kent.

Now, we need another captain. Once that person has been hired, every other person planning to participate needs to post a short description of their abilities. For example: “At 5-10, 214 pounds, Brent Koster comes with extra-thick calves and extra-thin game; will likely be intoxicated and has nasty tendency to get naked. Recommended Position: Beer Bitch.”

Please respond swiftly.
Mardi Gras Concerts
Thurs., Feb. 15 — Rebirth at Tips; Opening act is Yo Mama’s Big Fat Booty Band
Fri., Feb. 16 — Morning 40 at One-Eyed Jacks; Rebirth at Howling Wolf
Sat., Feb. 17 — Rebirth at Howling Wolf; Opening act is Para Grows Funk; Hazard County Girls, Circle Bar
Sun., Feb. 18 — The Noise Parade, Circle Bar
Mon. (Lundi Gras), Feb. 19 — Morning 40 at Checkpoint Charlie’s: Dr. John, House of Blues
Fat Tues., Feb. 20 — Rebirth at the Maple Leaf
(I’ll update as more shows develop.)

Check out It’s a great M.G. site.

Stay tuned for the 2007 Mardi Gras Odds. (Hint: Illy’s the early to favorite to puke first.)

Rookie of the Year

So Vince Young won Offensive Rookie of the Year, instead of Marques Colston.


I can understand that. Young was only the third player taken in the draft, no one really expected him to be a great player. It’s not like he was a seventh-rounder that was a huge part of the reason a historically cursed franchise is now a playoff team or anything.
Chad Pennington won Comeback Player of the Year. After shoulder surgery, he led his team to a wild card spot. I know of another QB who had shoulder surgery, but lead his team to a first round bye.


LaDanian Tomlinson won NFL MVP. On this I call hogwash. The Chargers without Tomlinson are a better team than the Saints are without Drew Brees. Tomlinson is a great running back, and had an outstanding season. Drew Brees was the most valuable player.

If Payton doesn’t win Coach of the Year, I guess we will just have to win the Super Bowl.

My best Christmas Present

I asked for a photo album of pictures from my Mom’s stash.  Not only did my Aunt Kathy go through all of the albums and picked the best ones and the ones she thought I’d really like, she scanned them all at Kinko’s and made electronic copies and organized them in chronological order with captions.  It’s the best Christmas present ever.

Happy New Year to all the little children…

Wishing you all a good night of flushing down the old and spicing up the new. I like to think of all my good friends on New Years, and how lucky I am not to live in the same town with most of them (just kidding for all the sensitive ones). Missing you tonight, big kisses, big dancin’, and BI-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-G HU-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-U-UGS (said in Teletubbie voice). Be good and safe and have a wonderful New Year’s Eve.

The honour of the USA is at stake

This coming weekend, it is the final game of the Piedmont Potato Cannoneers fantasy football league. I, a humble Brit, have advanced to the final, already leaving a trail of US citizens – born and raised on “football” – in my wake. The sport of American Football is not generally recognised over here. My opponent for this final game is none other than our esteemed host. A man who has all the advantages of being a native to the sport. A man who’s team has been putting up huge points over the last few weeks.

The honour of the USA is in your hands, sir. Make your choices well.  How could you lose against me? You have all the advantages.

Chelsey’s Top 8 Albums/Songs

Here you go Brenty.

#8 Cold War Kids- Robbers and Cowards. I don’t care if they are Christian. I love Jesus.

#7 Tapes N Tapes- The Loon. Of course my favorite song is Omaha, but I think I would love it even if I lived elsewhere.

#6 Christina Aquilera-Back to Basics. I will admit that I have been a fan for a while now. I am seeing her in concert in February and I can’t wait.

#5 Beyonce-B’Day, I really only like Irreplaceable and Ring the Alarm

#4 El Perro Del Mar, I like this entire album

#3 Yeah Yeah Yeah’s -Show your bones. Song I like to run to: Phenomena

#2 The Rapture- Pieces of the People we Love. Song of the album goes to “First Gear”

#1 Sing Sing-Aerial The best song on this album is Mr. Kadali. This is a great album. I think you are all missing out if you don’t go out and buy this right away.

A Very Good Show…

Just wanted to let the elbuzzard crew know that the show was a hit and all is super swell. My dad, I mean Rebecca’s dad, drove down from the homestead, got to meet Chloe’s parents, and see his son dance around to Christmas tunes in drag! God bless ALL the little children. Missing you all this Christmas, and wishing we could have a good nightcap and a fire together. big ol’ kisses

As You Wish

Brent’s Top Twelve

12) Destroyer – Destroyer’s Rubies – This guy is something else. He’s prolific, and complicated. What more could you ask?

11) Bruce Springsteen – We Shall Overcome – This thing just sort of died on me at the end of the summer. I blame my brother, who never warmed up to it.

10) Camera Obscura – Let’s Get Out Of This Country- Music I wish Belle and Sebastian would make again.

9) Twilight Singers – Powder Burns – It pisses me off to no end that Kent doesn’t like this CD. I don’t care that Greg Dulli is fat. It’s still New Orleans’ version of Yankee Hotel Foxtrot

8) I’m From Barcelona – Let Me Introduce You To My Friends – This music has no soul. I like music like that.

7) Oh No Oh My – Oh No Oh My – In a year without the Shins, this is as close to a Shins CD I could find.

6) Tom Waits – B,B, and B – It’s not fait that Tom Waits has this much good music lying around. This box set, has more redeemable music than any box set should have. It will take me a year to get through it all.

5) Girl Talk – Night Ripper – If you haven’t listened to this, make it your business to do so. Mash-ups that don’t make you blush. What more could you want? Also there is this part where Biggie is rapping over Elton John’s “Tiny Dancer” that almost makes me cry.

4) El Perro Del Mar – Perro Del Mar – More soulless music. Better than IFB. And sad and pretty, and nice.

3) The Pipettes – We Are The Pipettes – And we’ve got no regrets.

2) Neko Case – Fox Confessor Brings The Flood – Let’s start with the title. I defy you to find a better CD title in 2006.

1) Beirut – Gulag Orkestar – This wasn’t a great year for music by any means, but this CD made it through the whole year without me ever getting sick of it. I don’t love it, like I loved Black Sheep Boy and Apologies to Queen Mary last year, but it really stuck around.

My CD from days gone by would be Milk Eyed Mender by Joanna Newsom. That CD was awesome, and I completely dismissed it. I am dumb.

Now then, for the band that would be on this, if I had longer to listen – Man Man – Six Demon Bag. I hardly knew ye.

The Motel Candle Wasters Award for me goes to The Decemberists – The Crane Wife. That song Kent likes so much screws that whole CD up for me. I don’t know what to do about it. It should be at the beginning or the end, or the trash.

Quickly My Favorite Tracks

5) Pull Shapes – The Pipettes

4) Van Helsing Boombox – Man Man

3) Europeon Oils – Destroyer

2) Ballet and Art – Eagle*Seagull

1) Star Witness – Neko Case

0) We’re From Barcelona – I’m From Barcelona

-1) Us Ones In Between – Sunset Rubdown

-2) Omaha – Tapes n Tapes

My Favorite Shows

5) Edith Frost

4) Eagle*Seagull

3) Flaming Lips

2) Jens Lekman

1) The Brunettes