Anyone looking to attend Mardi Gras this year …

The search for a place/places to stay has begun, but pickings are slim. Two-bedroom, two-bath, sleeps six for $500 a night is the best we’ve found. We certainly expect more to become available, but those planning on attending need to officially commit and let either Kent or David P. know their financial limits for housing ASAP.

Thank you for your time.

How am I supposed to know what’s going on in your head?

I’ve added a new post rating system to It’s anonymous, so let us know what you think. For example, I think Paul’s post about Borat stinks, so I gave it 2 stars. I also think that my happy birthday post to Brent stunk even worse, so I gave it one star.

I’ve been hearing that people want new features on elbuzzard. I’m going to set aside some time in the next couple weeks to update and redesign the site. I know everyone wants the photo gallery back up. So do I. That’s top priority.

Some people have mentioned a calendar, which I am investigating. It may or may not happen though. I don’t want to have too much personal information about people who don’t want/don’t know that it is up online. In the meantime, I suggest Google Calendar if you’re looking for an online calendar. Leslie and I both use it to coordinate our schedules and keep track of birthdays, anniversaries, etc. It’s super handy. It lets you do things like share calendars between users. We share a calendar that lists everyone’s birthdays. If you need an invite to Google Mail in order to use it, let me know.
I also would like to upgrade the look of the site to make it look a little sharper and more polished. It needs a fleur de lis, for sure.

What else would you like to see?

Please go see Borat.

I wasn’t all that enthused to go and see this movie. I’ve never watched Ali G, never cared much for that sense of humor that picks on innocent people who don’t know they’re getting duped. Well kids, it wasn’t like that at all. A wonderful portrayal of our country of America, and the people in it who are truly kind and the rotten eggs who make it stink (and who we vote for, etc..). I laughed thoughout, and I learned some good lessons in etiquette to boot! For the pure of heart, there is some crass stuff in the movie…but don’t worry, it’s quite necessary. So all you elbuzzard folks…if this movie is in your town, GET OUT AND BUY A TICKET!

Greg Dulli is 400 Pounds

I went to see The Twilight Singers last night. I really liked their last album, despite what others say. So I’m at the show, and I’m swapping stories with others about how the lead singer Greg Dulli always used to be too drunk to play when his old band, the Afghan Whigs, came to New Orleans, and the shows would be lousy. One of them had seen him recently in Italy or some other European place, and said the show was “tight”. He said that Greg had kicked the booze. Good for him.

So Chelsey and I go out to smoke a cigarette before the show, because you can’t smoke in bars anymore here. (Which is a dumb idea for a place like Omaha, where you can literally freeze to death and die). While we are outside this girl is in the circle of smokers and talking to one of Chelsey’s friends, and she points out that Greg Dulli is emerging from his great big touring RV. As he steps out I realize that he is huge. Which is very disappointing to me, because I have seen pictures of this guy, and he doesn’t look that fat. (I like my lead singers to not be so fat). So I turn to the afore mentioned girl and say “Oh no. He’s huge.” And she defends him, saying that he’s kicked all his habits or something. And I’m right in the middle of some crass remark about how he should never choose sobriety over weight loss, when Greg walks right up to her and gives a big hug. I guess she was the welcoming committee when he got in town, and she’s all palsie-walsie with Greg. Which made me realize that Greg Dulli is just like anyone else. He’s probably not happy about how big he’s gotten, and he’s a human being too. From here on out I am never saying mean things about well-known people. Just because I know who they are doesn’t mean I can talk about how fat they’ve gotten. It’s not right. And it might get back to them and hurt their feelings.

For the record – Greg Dulli put on a very nice show, and his voice is really great still. He also smoked in the no-smoking establishment, which I thought was sassy. And even though he wasn’t drunk (good for him), he was very sassy. He said “motherfucker” many times. My favorite of these times was when someone asked him for one of his cigarettes, and he said “Give me some money, motherfucker” and threw a lit cigarette in their general direction. First class!

Not Fair

I’m in this fantasy football league, and no one will do any trades with me.  I know it’s not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things, but I still think it’s not fair.  I am going to a pumpkin patch tonight to drown my sorrows in hot cider and rum.  I hope I pass out on top of some kids. Â