The Top Ten Good Things About Christmas

1. An entire week off.
2. Christmas dinner, Christmas cookies, Christmas candies, Christmas alcoholic beverages.
4. Decorating the house with lights. If they’re up any other time of year, you just look lazy.
5. Being with the family and then going out Christmas night with your friends.
6. Trying to put little fake reindeer ears on pets.
7. Christmas Eve, when there’s nothing left to do but look at the lit and decorated tree.
8. Christmas morning with coffee and presents.
9. Still getting toys even though you’re 27 years old.
10. Watching TNT’s 24-hour marathon of A Christmas Story.


Today my brother and I were standing on the back porch of our house. There was a bunch of snow on the detached garage’s roof. We both took turns knocking the snow off by throwing old metal folding chairs at the roof. It didn’t work. Then Chuck had to climb onto the snowy roof, and retrieve one of the folded folding chairs that got stuck up there. (We threw them folded and unfolded to cover all our bases). Chuck almost fell off the roof many times, but he took my advice (“Stay low”) and made it back to the porch safely. I was so scared for him. So scared.

Also, before the chair incident we went under a big tree in the back with the intentions of shaking it, and making all the snow come down. This did not work because the tree was too big to shake. But Chuck did try to “buck” it like a bull. Chuck is so brave.

Now That I Have a Flask…

A collection of activities I can now drink at thanks to the birthday flask Dave gave me:

1) Sporting Events
2) Sledding
3) Sking
4) Snowball Fights
5) Shoveling
6) Drinking
7) Playing Cards
8) Riding Horses
9) Camping
11) Working
12) Mowing
13) Axing
14) Sleeping
15) State Fairs
16) Skating
17) Snowshoing
18) Shopping
19) Kite-flying
20) Cursing
21) Candle Making
22) Boating
23) Whoring
24) Fighting
25) Proposing

Thanks again Dave!

It’s true. Broken tailbone. Out 3-4 weeks.

Yes, it’s all true. I slipped and fell down the backsteps doing the laundry and broke my tailbone. In two places. I’ll try and get the x-ray and post it.

I am sitting on a little inflatable donut filled with ice.

It hurts, but I am a soldier. The Glass Bus will roll again. My tennis season may be over, but the Mardi Gras flag football game is coming up and you can bet I will be 100%.