Star Wars Episode III Review

Leslie and I went to go see the new Star Wars movie last night. I loved it. Finally, George Lucas came through.

I’ll do my best to not spoil any of the plot here.

Star Wars is such a part of my childhood, as it is for most people my age. I can name all the characters, and recite all the lines. I’m a nerd. I admit it. All the distinctive sounds are permantly burned in my brain: the Tusken Raiders’ howl, the sound R2D2 makes when his circuits are fried, the Ewok song at the end of Return of the Jedi, Chewbacca’s sad groan. I do a pretty good imitation of a lightsaber lighting up, if I do say so myself.

Episodes I and II were a disappointment to me, like they were for a lot of people. Poor acting, overly childish humor, bad writing. Of course, we held them up to such high standards, its partly our own fault for expecting too much. We set ourselves up for a disappointment.

Episode III is such a vast improvement over the two previous films, however. It actually felt like a Star Wars movie. The others had their moments of Star Warsishness, but Revenge of the Sith keeps it up through the entire film. Lucas obviously spent a good deal of time making this movie connect to the original triology. There are early X-Wings, Imperial Capital Ships, TIE Fighters, Imperial Shuttles. Scout Troopers and speeders, and the Emperor’s red-cloaked guards. Even the Correllian Cruiser featured in the opening scene of Episode IV is there. I admit, the stark whiteness of the interior of that ship made me tingly inside when I saw it reproduced in the MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies that I played for awhile, and it gave me the same feeling when I saw it again in Revenge of the Sith.

More than the story or the characters, I enjoyed the seeing the evolution of the Star Wars universe in the movie. Even the musical score was well done, mixing the choral arrangements of Episode I with the familiar melodies from the original films. As Revenge of the Sith progressed, the music evolved more and more towards the Imperial March and Luke’s theme on Tatooine. If I had my druthers, Revenge of the Sith would be Episode I and we could watch the Empire evolve from the beginnings of Darth Vader in Episodes II and III. There have been rumors that there will be a TV series based on the time period between Episodes III and IV. I’m hesitant about that though. I don’t really trust television as a medium for quality.

All in all, Lucas planned his new Star Wars series out well. The third film makes the other two better. I would have preferred of course, that the other two could stand on their own merit, but which film of the original triology can stand on its own? Only Episode I. The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi both require a knowledge of the what has come before to appreciate the story and characters. Its almost as if Episodes I and II require a knowledge of what comes after to be appreciated.

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