Tomorrow is the day that we worship Will Smith and Bill Pullman for protecting our “right to live” (life) from space aliens who use that evil symbol of homosexuality, the upside triangle as their front door. Thank you Roland Emmerich for showing us that even a stripper can be redeemed if she gets married to a good upstanding soldier moments before the world will end. Oh and also that the first person to die should the apocalypse arrive will be a flaming gay man who is obsessed with his mother.
By now, I’m pretty sure everyone knows that I don’t believe the movie Independence Day is a harmless summer blockbuster, but instead a insidious piece of right-wing conservative propoganda under the cover of an action movie.
Luckily, tomorrow, we also celebrate the fact that Roland Emmerich and Will Smith have the right to make shitty movies, and I have the right to point out that their movie is shitty.
Happy 4th, everyone!
I knew it was not one of my favorite movies. I just didn’t know why.