We’re all going to the zoo tomorrow

Assuming the Great British Weather doesn’t decide to throw down the rain all day, we’ve decided to all go to the zoo tomorrow. We’ve recently bought a new car, one of these (not brand new, I’m not made of money! It’s 4 years old) and haven’t had an opportunity to load up for a family day out yet. Anyhow, I thought I’d do a little scouting around and see which zoo we might go to, and how much it’s gonna be to get in.

Looks like it’s going to be around 40 quid for all of us (2 adults, 2 kids) to get in. Throw in some food, drinks, couple of toys for the kids at the gift shop and it’ll probably be around 60 quid all told. That’s not counting petrol (gas for you American speakers) – nearest zoo is about 40 miles away, which is probably about another tenner. Reckon on about 70-80 quid for a day out at the zoo.

This country sucks. Sooooo damned expensive.

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6 thoughts on “We’re all going to the zoo tomorrow”

  1. Zoos are fascist regimes created to imprison creatures that were here long before you. Don’t support the insanity. Go to a bar.

  2. Not in England. Everything’s better in England. That’s why it’s more expensive.

    In English zoos, the people have to stay in the cages and pits and the animals watch them and eat pizza.

  3. I have a love/hate relationship with the zoo. I go once, get upset about the animals stuck in cages and the like and don’t go back. Then I see one of those Animal Planet specials and want to go again.

    Atlanta is opening a brand-new aquarium complete with 5 whale sharks. I can’t wait to go.

  4. 5 Whale sharks??? Seriously??? Aren’t those things huge? Where are they going to put them all??? Hi everybody!!!!

  5. This is what the website for the aquarium says. They’re keeping the majority of the species secret until the opening day.


    Bernie Marcus, benefactor of the Georgia Aquarium, announced that the Georgia Aquarium will open November 23, 2005, as the largest in the world.

    “There are two things people measure an aquarium by – the amount of water and the number of fish,” Marcus explained. He then announced the Aquarium’s amount of water — more than 8 million gallons — and its number of fish –more than 100,000.

    “Our original water figures were low, and it wasn’t until the measuring tapes came out and the water systems were filled that we understood just how enormous the numbers actually were,” Marcus said.

    Six million of the more than eight million gallons are in the whale shark habitat, a single habitat built specifically to accommodate whale sharks, the largest fish in the world. At its longest, widest and deepest parts, the habitat measures 263’ long x 126’ wide x 33’ deep.

    Marcus also confirmed the size of the facility at 550,000 total square feet, of which 505,000 is covered space.

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