Everybody knows Odile takes Terrence McGee in the first round.
Whoah, impressive
There’s more on YouTube. Andre Johnson fires the football machine himself, then races downfield to catch the ball. Braylon Edwards catches balls with a blindfold on.
I can’t tell if they are real or not.
Got to love him!
I think they’re a mixture. I can see Bulger’s being real, but Andre Johnson’s is faked – Look at where he starts (own 12) and catches the ball (about the opposition 15 yard line, maybe 20 yard line). That’s about 70 yards or so. Ball is in the air 5 seconds. Standing start. NFL athletes are great, but not that great, hehehehehehe.
First round pick for Odile?
Everybody knows Odile takes Terrence McGee in the first round.
Whoah, impressive
There’s more on YouTube. Andre Johnson fires the football machine himself, then races downfield to catch the ball. Braylon Edwards catches balls with a blindfold on.
I can’t tell if they are real or not.
Got to love him!
I think they’re a mixture. I can see Bulger’s being real, but Andre Johnson’s is faked – Look at where he starts (own 12) and catches the ball (about the opposition 15 yard line, maybe 20 yard line). That’s about 70 yards or so. Ball is in the air 5 seconds. Standing start. NFL athletes are great, but not that great, hehehehehehe.
David Aker’s video is funny.