Marnie sent in some more photos from the big wedding shindig. Hers are first in the list, if you’ve checked out the gallery before.
Here are some highlights:
She actually thought to take pictures of the bride and groom…
Leslie sums up how we all feel:
So many other good pictures! Why this one?!?!?!
Thanks for posting these lover. They’re great….especially the one you posted on the page! Leslie, that one is priceless! Woof! Looks like ol’ Rebecca is thinking of something to do up on your grill. Of course not at all sure WHAT I was thinking, but damned it looks like something good!
I love that picture….WHATEVER!!! What a great time had by all. PS. The lotion from you know where is wonderful.
Lotion!!!!!! The soap leaves your skin feeling wonderful, not to mention how great the hand towels look in my bathrooms. Marnie, they look great in your new bathroom too…………
Loose Lips Sinks Ships!!!!!
It was all your idea!!!!!!!!! The class I hang around with!!!!!!!!!!!