Professional Assocations

Perhaps the first place to look for information on the latest happenings in the world of taxidermy is the various professional taxidermists associations.

National Taxidermists Association

Founded in 1973, the National Taxidermists Association is the oldest non-profit professional association devoted to taxidermy in the Unted States. It has grown to iclude other countries such as Canada, Mexico, Japan, Norway, England and South Africa. The NTA offers a Certification based upon points scored in taxidermy competitions and sponsors yearly conventions. There is a chapter of the NTA in almost all of the 50 states. Highlights of the site include:

International Guild of Taxidermy

The International Guild of Taxidermy calls itself "The Association of Friendship and Education." It also sponsors a yearly convention and a competition with cash prizes. In addition, they offer a $500 scholarship to fund private taxidermy lessons with the instructor of the recipient's choice. The IGT also offers a professional and master's certification based on scoring in its competions.

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